08/29/2021 - grove - Total Body Ladder

AO: The Grove

When: 08/29/2021

QIC: Shrinky Dink


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Spartan, Birdie, Bourbon, Dr Dolittle, and me


I had fun building some intrigue with a cake emoji but sadly, Wonder Woman still did not come after the promise of muffins. We missed her for sure, and managed to persevere through this one. We warmed up with some Katie Ledeckys, gate swings, and then windmills IC.

The Thang – A ladder routine is where you start with one exercise and do the specified # of reps, and then repeat the first exercise and then add the next on the list. Then you go back to the top, repeat the first and second exercises and then add the third, and so on. I created an Arms round, a Legs one, and then an Abs round; for each round I had a list of 8 exercises and we did 10 reps for each exercise.

Arms – OH Press, tricep kickbacks, bicep curls, hallelujahs, front raises, Gun show Left, gun show Right, Around the Worlds.

Abs (PAX voted to go to the Abs round next which proved to be a very wise idea considering how tough it was) – Boat Canoes, starfish, dead bugs, cross leg crunch L, cross leg crunch R, Sideplank crunch L, sideplank crunch R, leg lifts

Legs – squats (PAX choice but were encouraged to change it up since it would be repeated numerous times), curtsy lunge sets, backward lunge with knee raise L, backward lunge with knee raise R, donkey kick with pulse L, donkey kick with pulse R, Rainbow L, rainbow R

Between each round we ran to the stop sign and back. After we finished the legs round we ran all the way around the circle. We had a minute to spare so we stretched on our own, did COT and NOR, and wished all a great weekend!

Thanks for coming out ladies! I would not have wanted to do this one without you!




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