07/26/2022 - union - Total Body Tabata Fun

AO: The Union
When: 07/26/2022
QIC: Inspector Gadget
Number of Pax: 4
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Choo Choo, Fancy Boots, Foster & Inspector Gadget
I was so excited to have 3 ladies join me the last Monday before school.
We started with a Tabata warm-up where we did 30s of arm circles forward, arm circles backward, Jumping Jacks, Toy Soldiers, Through the Tunnels & Tumblweeds with 10s of Michael Phelps between each.
We then did 3 rounds of a 12 set Tabata with 30s work & 10s rest. Exercises each round as follows:
- Hammer Curls
- Overhead Press
- Tricep Kickbacks
~Take a lap~
- Squats
- Calf raises
- Reverse Lunges with a front kick
~Take a lap~
- American Pie Sit-ups
- Russian Twists
- Solos (Dolly to Flutter Kick)
We circled up for prayers & NOR after the Abs round.