06/28/2021 - mill - Total Body Time Bombs

AO: The Mill
When: 06/28/2021
QIC: Inspector Gadget
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Prada, Confection, Millie, Jager, Killer K, Bulldawg, Happy Feet, Rocky (FNG) & Inspector Gadget
I’ve had to miss a lot of Mondays lately but was able to make it work so I could start my week off right with the Mill ladies this week. A total of 8 PAX (including 1 FNG) joined me to get their Monday workout on. Prada met me at 4:30a to run but skipped the beatdown & just finished up her run with 5 miles. The rest of the PAX joined me for the beatdown.
We warmed up with some arm circles forward, arm circles backward, Michael Phelps, Toy Soldiers (IC) and Through the Tunnels (IC). After the warm up we got started on the Thang. We had 4 time bombs to run through (arms, abs, cardio, and legs). They went off as follows with 10s rest between each exercise:
1 min Bicep Curls
45s Front to Lateral Raises
30s Tricep Kickbacks
15s Merkins
30s Overhead Tricep Extensions
45s Field Goal to Overhead Press
1 min Hammer Curls
1 min Pretzel Crunches
45s Flutter Kicks
30s Plank (full)
15s Big Girl Sit-Ups
30s Plank (elbow)
45s Rosalita’s
1 min Reverse Crunches
1 min Skaters
45s Buttkicks
30s Kangaroos
15s Jump Squats
30s Kangaroos
45s Buttkicks
1 min Skaters
1 min Narrow Squat with Kickbacks
45s Reverse Lunges with a Front Kick (right)
30s Glute Bridges
15s Bear Squats
30s Glute Bridges
45s Reverse Lunges with a Left Kick (left)
1 min Drama Squats
After each time bomb, we ran a lap & grabbed some water before starting another one. We completed all four time bombs just in time to circle up, say a quick prayer & name our FNG (Deanna) during NOR. She loves Colorado & hiking there so we named her Rocky. Welcome Rocky! 😊