01/08/2023 - foxtrot - Triple Check with Games

AO: Foxtrot

When: 01/08/2023

QIC: Semper Fi


Number of Pax: 10

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Smooth Operator, Wonder Woman, Straight Shooter, Aquamarine, Pearl, Chocolate Chip, Inspector Gadget, Bridesmaid, Orbitz, Semper Fi


After a quick warm up, we got started.  We played a warm up game of Scrabble.  A big bag of tiles was in the center and the object was to see who could spell the most 3 letters words in the 10 minute time.  The PAX would do 5 arm circles, 5 calf raises and then 5 jumping jacks and then run and grab a tile.  Rinse and repeat until the time is up.  Straight Shooter and Inspector Gadget both were able to spell 9 words.  We had them both count up all the points of their words to see who would win the tie breaker.  Straight Shooter was the winner!

On to the Thang ~

Triple Check


Squat press / Big girl sit ups / run


Gun show / plank with weight pull through / run

I had a 3rd planned but we stopped so that I could get a chance to use my new workout dice I got for Xmas.

Each PAX had a turn rolling the dice and we did the exercise as a group. For some reason overhead presses were rolled about 4 times….which killed us because we were already toast from the squat presses and gun show from the triple check.

We finished up with CoT and coffeeteria. Thank you ladies!!


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