05/13/2023 - grove - True Tabata
AO: The Grove
When: 05/13/2023
QIC: Partly Cloudy
Number of Pax: 2
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Spartan, Caliente
It was just 3 of us at The Grove today, so I am glad I had a timed workout planned so we could chat. We warmed up with stretches and a few moves to get our heart rates up. Then we got started.
True Tabata – inspired by my Peloton instructor that claims to be a purest and only does true Tabata (and it is hard on the bike). 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 times.
Leg Burnout:
Figure 4 Squats
Narrow Squats
Sumo Squats
4 minutes of each above took us to 16 minutes total. We took a lap to shake out the legs afterward.
Arm Burnout:
Chicken Wings
Serve the Platter
Bicep Curls
Another Lap to shake things out.
Pretzel Crunches
Russian Twists
We were running a little low on time, so we only did 5 reps of each Ab exercise to ensure we got to all of them. Then we took 1 more lap which brought us to an hour. We stretched for just a minute.
We snapped a pic and then closed with prayer and name-o-Rama.