12/01/2021 - lair - What your Elf Name 2021
AO: The Lair
When: 12/01/2021
QIC: Semper Fi
Number of Pax: 10
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Goldie, Dr Doolittle, Chocolate Chip, Choo Choo, Wonder Woman, Aquamarine, Killa, Straight Shooter, Spartan, Semper Fi
I decided to bring back the Elf Name workout we did last year at the Lair and it was so much fun AGAIN! It was a chilly morning but not as cold as earlier in the week. It’s crazy how just a few degrees makes such a difference.
Wonder Woman led the warm up for me while I had everyone pick their names. I had a cup for both first and last names and the Pax all took a turn picking from each to find out their Elf name.
Straight Shooter: Snowflake Monkey Buns
Killa: Dizzy McFluff
Aquamarine: Frosty O’Mittens
Chocolate Chip: Merry Glitter Pants
Wonder Woman: Cookie Gumdrops
Goldie: Spunky Sparkle Nose
Dr Dootlittle: Coco Sugar Socks
Spartan: Happy McJingles
Choo Choo: Squeezy Sparkle Pie
Semper Fi: Tinsel Von Twinkles
The Thang ~
Each letter had a corresponding exercise. We spelled out our names starting with Straight Shooter. We made sure she got her time in the sun since we couldn’t do her name last year. The plan was to run after 3 names but we had quite a few to get through. We got through as many as we could and then ran a quick parking lot lap at the end. See the picture for the alphabet exercises.
We finished off with a prayer for all the things…and praises for Chocolate Chips F3 and his successful surgery.
Have a wonderful day ladies, and wear your new Elf name proudly!