05/11/2022 - lair - Wheel of Misfortune

AO: The Lair

When: 05/11/2022

QIC: Caliente


Number of Pax: 9

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Aquamarine, Straight Shooter, Hallmark, Rise Up, Goldie, Chocolate Chip, Choo Choo, and Walker


It was such a beautiful day for a workout and my first solo Q! First we warmed up with through the tunnels and stretched our arms and legs. We did some arm circles and made sure to get in a good stretch.



I used the wheel method and made the center 20 kettlebell swings. Each time you finish 20 kettlebell swings, you run, bear crawl, etc to the next spoke then back to the middle for kettlebell swings.

Start with 20 kettlebell swings

Spoke 1: Bear Crawl out to the first spoke

25 Calf raises

25 Jump squats

Bear crawl back

20 kettlebell swings

Spoke 2: Walking Lunges w/weights

25 Bicep Curls

25 Hammer curls

Walking lunges back

20 kettlebell sings

Spoke 3: Side Shuffle

25 Pistol Squats each leg

Side Shuffle back

20 Kettlebell Swings

Spoke 4: Sprint w/weights

25 Bent over Chest Fly

25 Bent Over Row

Sprint back

20 Kettlebell swings

Spoke 5:Walking Lunges w/Weights

25 Tricep Extentions

25 Tricep Kickbacks

Walking lunges Back



We ended up getting through it about 2 times and ended with a song challenge!

“This is What You Came For”

During the song we did LBC’s and for the chorus we did Russian twists with weights.


We ended with COT, a pic, and some sweaty Betty’s! Thanks for joining me y’all for my first solo Q!! You are all beautiful inside and out.




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