05/18/2021 - den - Yoga Inspired Kraken
AO: The Den
When: 05/18/2021
QIC: Anchor
Number of Pax: 15
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Honey Crisp, Semper Fi, Straight Shooter, Whole Coconut, Partly Cloudy, Hallmark, Megaphone, Mater, Rise Up, Southern Charm, Mater, Golden Rule, Katniss (FNG), Choo Choo
WooHOO ladies! We had a pretty even vote on Power Yoga vs Traditional Q so that birthed our first Yoga Inspired Kraken! Set to 90’s music because I mean if I’m gonna kick your booty with yoga, we should jam while we do it! Eight exercises, 8 sets and a WHOLE lotta running! (I clocked about a mile and a half!)
Here’s our thing:
Quick warm up with Sun Salutation As and demos of the eight exercises.
Exercises posted on 8 cones, set up in a large circle
Pick a cone/exercise to start – complete 8 reps or sets (depending on exercise), run one large lap around the circle of cones. Run to next cone and complete exercise – repeat! All the way around the circle. I think we were able to complete about 1 and a half full laps in our time today.
- Marching Glute Bridges
- Yoga Burpees (Plank, jump to Malasana squat, pulse, jump to plank, down dog)
- Inchworms with Spider Mans
- Chair pose with toe taps
- High lunge with bicep curls to overhead press
- Sheeba Squats
- Goddess crunches (hold Goddess squat while you reach R and L, twist R and L = 1)
- Tricep dips
We wrapped with floating frogs (Rise Up’s FAVORITE!), pigeon and thread the needle stretching and spent a few blissful minutes in savasana before counting our blessings and naming our amazing new FNG – WELCOME KATNISS!
Hope you enjoyed it ladies!! I know I did – let me know when you start feeling the yoga burpees! 🙂