Four Corners and Guns of Fire

8 PAX including one FNG came out to the Hideout for a fun Friday Four Corner workout.  Thankfully the rain held off because I had no backup plan to keep us under cover.

We warmed up with some easy Ring of Fires.  We all started arm circles and passed around 5 jumping jacks.  Then we all did leg swings and passed around toe touch stretches (3 for each leg).  Last, we all did windmills and passed around 10 Butt kicks.

The Thang: Four Corners

We ran to corner #1 and completed 5 jump squat holds.  After each jump squat, we held chair for about 5 seconds.

We ran to corner #2 and completed 5 Carolina Crab Cakes – which are 5 Carolina Dry Docks and 5 Crab Cakes done one after another.

We ran to corner #3 and completed 5 static lunges, which I called The Thighmaster.  Feet were planted and we lifted up and down 5 times in a lunge before switching to the other side.

We ran to corner #4 and completed Screamin Shoulders: 20 Moroccan Nightclubs, 20 Randys, and 20 Hallelujahs.

We held a plank until everyone finished.  Then we went around again, but our reps increased to 10, 10 each, 10 each leg, and 30 each shoulder exercise.  We held plank after each round and all started again together.

On our 3rd cycle, reps increased again (15, 15, 15, 40).

On our 4th cycle, reps increased a final time (20, 20, 20, 50).

Then we circled up for more Ring of Fires, arms edition, which we dubbed Guns of Fire.

Bicep curls, with the passing around of 8 side extensions.

Tricep Kickbacks, with the passing around of 8 front Extensions.

Overhead Press with the passing of 10 overhead Tricep Extensions.

Finally, chicken wings with the passing of 10 scarecrows.

We hit our mats for a speed drill of 30 LBCs, Bicycles, Russian Twists, Scissors, and In and Outs.

We finished right on our time with a prayer, our name-o-Rama, and the naming of our new FiA.  Welcome Kella!  I am so glad you came out and joined us!

I hope everyone had a great Friday!

❤️, ⛅️

Originally posted to FiA Nation