08/14/2023 - union - 8/14/2023 – union – Killer Combos!

AO: The Union

When: 08/14/2023

QIC: Tailgate


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Foster, Cherry Vanilla, Tailgate


It was a great start to the week bright and early at The Union with 3 PAX in attendance! We were all eager and early, so we got some chatting in before warming up and getting down with the thang!

We did a pair of two isolated exercises (30 seconds each) followed by a 1 minute combination of the two moves! EX: 30 seconds of weighted sumo squats, 30 seconds of center rows, 1 minute of a single squat then single row continued in succession!  We made it through the entire set two times – switching to the alternate side for any of the asymmetrical moves!


  1. Weighted Sumo Squat / Center Row
  2. Asymmetrical Deadlift / Weighted Side Lunge
  3. Arnold Press / Bicep Curl
  4. Plank Hop to Bear / Single Leg Kick Through
  5. Asymmetrical Dumbbell Swing / Asymmetrical Weighted Squat (narrow)
  6. Lateral Raise / Weighted Calf Raise
  7. Hollow Crunch / Leg Lift with Reaching Crunch

We were running short on time, but got in that final core move which was a perfect push to end the workout strong. We circled up for prayer requests and COT and headed out for a great Monday!


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