12/01/2021 - mill - Muscles tired? Let’s Wake ’em Up!

AO: The Mill

When: 12/01/2021

QIC: Pilgrim


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Beakers, Served, Pilgrim


Yep! Three showed up this morning for a timed workout that did it’s job and tired out those muscle groups one at a time!

Warm up was arm circles, Michael Phelps, imperial walkers, toy soldiers and through the tunnels (in cadence).

Four rounds of work, 50 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest. In between each round we ran a lap. We made it through all four rounds and then completed another two rounds for good measure!

Round 1: reverse flyes, plank up downs, side shoulder raises, renegade rows and shoulder taps

Round 2: pulsing squats, reverse lunges, side leg raise (left), side leg raise (right), step up with weights

Round 3: bird dogs, russian twists, reverse crunches, hip dips, plank hold

Round 4: burpees, mountain climbers, heismans, jump squats, jumping jacks

We rounded up for a short COT, names and picture. See you next week!


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